Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The cutest li'l family!!!!

I've been up to so much lately.... i won't even try to explain! Family, friends, cousins and more cousins, travel,hunting(not me tho;), work and more would put it in a nutshell. My amish cousin's wedding was a highlight! I've come to realize how invaluable family and relatives are to me.....they are such a Blessing... and they are the people that understand you, and who you can be yourself around at all times...You can...let your hair hang down, let everything out, laugh uncontrollably, cry, share or not share and know they understand, and not easily offend. Props to the bestest cousins...and the bestest family.... Wow. I'm honored to be a part of it all.

My sis Emma, Teresa, and Brian


Anonymous said...

I cant see the last 4 pic's :(

Esther said...

oh who are you??? for some reason that happened, not sure why......

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds about like my life right now. ;-) I hear a lot about hunting from the people around me... I've never been able to talk about that experience, though. lol. Family is great, isn't it??? I've been struck by that again recently... especially since I was rescued out of a snow storm by my wonderfully awesome dad and brothers! Wow, they shot about 7 hours out of their day to come get me. Family is completely wonderful! :-)